Shipping & Returns
Contiguous USA | USPS DHL |
1-5 Days 1-5 Days |
$55 |
Rest of USA | USPS DHL |
4-10 Days 4-10 Days |
$75 |
Canada | DHL | 3-5 Days | $85 |
Europe | DHL | 5-10 Days | $175 |
South America & Caribbean | DHL | 5-10 Days | $175 |
Rest of World | DHL | 8-14 Days | $250 |
We offer worldwide shipping using live, discounted rates directly from the courier to provide you the best rate at all times. In stock orders typically ship 1-3 business days following order confirmation.
Due to the nature of our products, all orders are final sale. There is a 6-hour grace period following order confirmation to cancel any order. After this period has lapsed, the Return Policy goes into effect.